iHelios Infrared Heating Principles of Operation

iHelios Far Infrared Heating Film Principles of Operation

iHelios Far Infrared Heating Film Principles of Operation

iHelios Infrared heating film operates on the principle of converting electrical energy into infrared radiation, which then heats objects and surfaces in its path. Here are the key principles of its operation:

1. Basic Structure

Infrared heating films are typically composed of several layers:

  • Conductive layers: Made from clean  carbon, which is responsible for generating heat when an electric current passes through them.
  • Insulating layers: These layers encase the conductive material to ensure safety and efficiency.
  • Protective layers: Often made of durable materials like PET (polyethylene terephthalate), these layers protect the film from physical damage and environmental factors.

2. Electrical Resistance Heating

When an electric current is applied to the conductive layer, electrical resistance causes it to heat up. This process is governed by Joule's Law, which states that the heat produced (P) is proportional to the square of the current (I) times the resistance (R) of the material: P=I2RP = I^2RP=I2R

3. Emission of Infrared Radiation

The heated conductive material emits infrared radiation. Infrared radiation is a type of electromagnetic wave with a wavelength longer than visible light but shorter than microwaves. The specific wavelength of the infrared radiation typically ranges from λ = 3–100 μm, which is ideal for heating purposes.

4. Direct Heating of Objects

Unlike conventional heating systems that warm the air first, infrared heating directly heats objects and surfaces within the room. When infrared radiation strikes an object, its energy is absorbed and converted into heat, which then warms up the object.

5. Energy Efficiency

Infrared heating is considered energy efficient because it reduces heat loss. Conventional heating systems often lose heat through convection currents and poor insulation. Infrared heating minimizes these losses by directly transferring heat to objects, which then radiate warmth into the room.

6. Even Heat Distribution

The design of infrared heating films ensures even heat distribution. The film is usually installed underfloor or above ceilings), providing consistent and uniform heating across the space.

7. Control Systems

Infrared heating films are often integrated with thermostats and control systems that regulate the temperature. This allows users to set and maintain the desired room temperature efficiently.


  • Residential and commercial heating: Floors, walls, and ceilings.
  • Industrial heating: Warehouses, offices, and greenhouses.
  • Medical and therapeutic uses: Infrared saunas and therapeutic heating pads.


  • Energy Efficiency: Lower energy consumption compared to traditional heating methods.
  • Comfort: Provides a comfortable and uniform heat.
  • Installation: Thin and flexible, making it easy to install under various surfaces.
  • Health benefits: Reduces dust circulation and maintains better air quality since it doesn't rely on air currents.


Infrared heating film operates by converting electrical energy into infrared radiation, which directly heats objects and surfaces. This method of heating is efficient, provides uniform warmth, and has numerous applications in residential, commercial, and industrial settings.

Must Read: Transforming Spaces Infrared Heating Custom Outdoor Solution

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